ReqBuilder, your ally for robust and maintainable software applications

Developed by AxioCode, the ReqBuilder solution is a revolution in IT project management, thanks to its hyper-structured functional documentation.
Build robust, maintainable applications with ReqBuilder.

Why document your application systems with ReqBuilder?

Clear, complete and structured specifications
Easy-to-read and maintain documentation for efficient development
Optimized collaboration

Quality documentation: the key to the long-term success of application projects

Documentation: a major challenge for IT professionals

Costly bugs and delayed projects are often the result of poor documentation. ReqBuilder was born of this observation.

75% of IT professionals consider lack of documentation to be a problem. Indeed, lack of documentation exacerbates the problems encountered in the IT sector.

Understand the code and the project as a whole

Without clear, up-to-date documentation, it becomes extremely complicated to understand existing code, identify dependencies and make changes. This considerably slows down maintenance processes and increases the risk of introducing new errors and regressions.

If developers leave the company or change projects, it’s difficult for newcomers to take over quickly. Implicit, undocumented knowledge is lost, which can lead to major delays. Problems linked to a lack of documentation translate into additional costs in terms of time spent debugging, understanding code and training new developers. Modifications and additions of new functionality become more complex and risky without a thorough understanding of the software’s architecture, interactions and dependencies.

ReqBuilder: the ideal tool for structured, updatable documentation

Although professionals are aware of it, the lack of specifications and functional documentation are common practices in the IT sector. According to a 2023 study, only a third of professionals always update their functional documentation. This leads to considerable problems, particularly when it comes to application maintenance. What’s more, user experience and stakeholder relations can deteriorate, leading to litigation, damage to reputation and loss of competitiveness.

And yet, the study reveals that over 77% of IT professionals consider the lack of documentation to be a major hindrance to the quality of their projects.

Say goodbye to inefficient tools

Few tools offer effective assistance in structuring functional documentation and keeping it up to date. Still too many professionals use unsuitable, inefficient tools such as office software (Word, Excel, etc.). Structured, detailed and clear documentation is key to the success of an application project, and ReqBuilder provides a complete solution for creating, completing and maintaining it over time.

ReqBuilder for creating and maintaining functional documentation for IT projects

ReqBuilder helps you define each actors and their relations with the system

ReqBuilder gives you the efficiency you need to create, maintain and share complete, structured functional documentation.

With ReqBuilder, you can write functional specifications and document software evolutions as they happen. Two different but complementary steps.

With complete, structured system documentation at every stage, you can significantly speed up the analysis required for upgrades, and increase their reliability. The durability of your software solutions is thus increased tenfold.

In addition to improved software quality, you save development time, reduce the risk of errors and improve collaboration. These benefits mean better long-term control of your application projects.

Boost productivity and improve quality

With ReqBuilder, accelerate the productivity of your design, development and maintenance teams, while benefiting from easily maintainable, high-quality software.

With ReqBuilder

Increase productivity

Speed up production of specifications

Reduce development and maintenance times

Accelerate design changes

Rapid visualization of interdependencies

Global view of documentation

Optimized working environment

Easier collaboration

Improved project understanding

Management of information systems (sharing of specification elements between several applications).

Improve software quality

Hyper-structured, organized and complete functional specifications and documentation

Detection of errors, inconsistencies and omissions

Improved traceability with history and versioning

Standardized methods

Flexible to changes

Model business processes and requirements

With ReqBuilder, you can model the business processes and requirements of your application systems, based on the UML language.

With ReqBuilder, you can create a complete glossary, define concepts and display them on mouse-over directly in the specifications, making it easier to understand business-specific jargon.

ReqBuilder has the ability to structure data and generate UML diagrams to model your systems, interdependencies, relationships between actors, data models and more. For example, define your data models in Reqbuilder to automatically generate dedicated UML diagrams.

By giving you a global view of your applications, their requirements and the business processes that make them up, ReqBuilder facilitates the design, development, maintenance, analysis and testing processes.

ReqBuilder helps you model your systems with UML language
Threaded discussion system enables exchanges between the various users with access to an application’s specifications

Collaborate effectively with all stakeholders

The ReqBuilder work environment offers easy collaboration to boost the efficiency of your teams and interactions with all stakeholders, from your customers to the technical team.

Write, comment and validate with others.

Use comments and notifications to work together efficiently.

Would you like to save a specific version of the documentation or send the functional specifications to your customer?

ReqBuilder produces high-quality deliverables that comply with the best practices for accurate and exhaustive functional documentation. ReqBuilder access for your customers is also available within the tool.

History and versions: manage your projects easily

Manage your projects every step of the way, from initial functional specifications to complete documentation kept up to date during development.

Access the complete history and saved versions for optimum project tracking.

ReqBuilder is developed by experts for experts

AxioCode, experts in custom development, developed ReqBuilder to meet a specific need: to efficiently manage the initial specifications and functional documentation of our projects.

This tool, deployed on several projects, enables us to ensure complete traceability and consistency of documentation between the different phases of development.

For over 2 years, we have been managing the initial functional specifications and functional documentation for our clients’ application projects, using ReqBuilder.

Today, we’re putting ReqBuilder in your hands, so that you too can significantly improve the quality of your deliverables and the management of your application projects.

ReqBuilder features

  • Definitions of the application’s players, roles and functionalities.
  • Business glossary: terms added to the glossary appear with a special layout to help you identify them, and even more so those that are not defined.
  • Specification of use cases (or user stories in agile language); definition of pre-conditions, post-conditions, nominal, alternative and exception scenarios. Automatic generation of use case UML diagrams.
  • Specification of functional and non-functional requirements
  • Definition of data models (classes and their attributes, enumerations) and their relationships. Automatic generation of class diagrams. Automatic generation of specification elements from a data model: functionality, CRUD use cases, pages, forms and tables.
  • Structured specifications: elements defined in ReqBuilder refer to each other, making it easy to navigate between them, visualize their dependencies and anticipate the impact of a change.
  • ReqBuilder integrates the notion of Information System, enabling specification elements such as data models to be shared between several applications.
  • Changes: a versioning system makes it possible to specify changes and clearly visualize differences with the main version of the specifications.
  • Versioning and documentation: ReqBuilder allows you to save successive versions of specifications and generate documentation in a variety of formats, more or less exhaustive or synthetic.
  • Collaboration: a threaded discussion system enables exchanges between the various users with access to an application’s specifications. It is possible, for example, to give the customer access to the specifications for consultation and comment.

ReqBuilder is browser-based. No installation is required on your computer. Access is secured by strong authentication.

You can also subscribe to our support packages to gain expertise in ReqBuilder and efficiently document your projects. To choose the price plan that suits you best, or take advantage of a demo, contact us. We’ll find out what you need and suggest the most appropriate solution.


Choose the option that best suits your needs:

Per analyst user for regular use

Per project for less frequent use or re-invoicing to your customers

Per analyst user

includes 30 applications per editor user

€89 excl. tax / analyst user / month
€890 excl. tax / analyst user / year
(2 months free
on an annual package)

Per project

For 1 project and 1 analyst user

€490 excl. tax for the first year
then €290 excl. tax for subsequent years

possibility of adding 1 editor user for €190 excl. tax / project / year

Each analyst user has five additional accesses for users with consultation and/or comment access.

Support (on request)

To ensure compliance with best practices in application project design and documentation, we can provide you with step-by-step support.

Subscription without time commitment

The customer may terminate his subscription to the ReqBuilder Service in writing (e-mail or letter):
– 15 calendar days maximum before the expiry date for an annual analyst subscription or for a project subscription,
– 5 calendar days maximum before expiry date for a monthly analyst subscription.
Cf. article 14.1 of the ReqBuilder contractual terms of use.

Interested in taking the first step? Sign up today for a free demo and find out how ReqBuilder can make your project management easier.

ReqBuilder documentation

We can provide you with ReqBuilder documentation to help you get started. If required, we can also offer you support sessions with a ReqBuilder expert (on request).

ReqBuilder Partner Program

Does your team have expertise in web and mobile development? Would you like to add a new dimension to your projects by optimizing the management of your specifications and documentation? Join the ReqBuilder Partner Program!

As a ReqBuilder partner, you use ReqBuilder on your projects and benefit from training and support to help you get the most out of ReqBuilder. In return, share your experience with us and contribute to the continuous improvement of ReqBuilder.

Let’s build the future of custom application development together. We believe in a dynamic partnership, where feedback is at the heart of our collaboration to help ReqBuilder evolve together.

To apply for our ReqBuilder partner program, please complete the ReqBuilder partner form. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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